Cuba by Luciano Cian

I am so excited to share with you all the pictures from Luciano Cian's trip to Cuba. He went by himself in the middle of Carnival (when Brazil rocks) and brought back so much cultural luggage in his mind from this amazing get-a-way. Here are some reasons to think about when going to Cuba by yourself.

Luciano Cian is a painter, a designer, a director, a writer, and a good friend. For more pictures and (edited) information about his trip (I can't tell you all) go check out his blog -

5 comentários:

Moacyr Fagundes disse...


Patricia disse...

As fotos são magníficas, mas não estou encontrando o post sobre Cuba no blog dele! Bjs

Luciano Cian disse...

Patricia, não fiz ainda nenhum post sobre Cuba. Cheguei todo enrolado. Vou ver se escrevo na semana que vem.

Patricia disse...

Ahhhhh, agora entendi! Luciano, seu blog é um sonho, adorei os textos, as fotos...parabéns!

Unknown disse...

Lindas as fotos! Cuba é um espetáculo, uma viagem pra se guardar na memória! E corram p/ visitá-la enquanto dá tempo.

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