How to make your relationship better!

Relationships are complicated - no matter what. So, if you are wondering how to make things smoother and improve your relationship, look over these tips that really work for me.
You may improve yourself too!

-   Say good morning to your significant other every day, before you even get out of bed - no matter what.

-   In front of other people (friends or family), try to make nice comments about your significant other. It is very kind of you to do so.

-   Always say the two magic words: PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Even for duties that your significant other has to do all the time. Like, when he/she cleans the dishes, say THANK YOU. Little actions like that can brighten their day and it is good to be appreciated for something ordinary. It shows love.

-   Never criticize him/her in front of other people. As we say in Portuguese, “duty clothes have to be washed at home”.

Remember: life is good and we just take with us the good moments. So, make every effort for every day to be a special day.


Um comentário:

Carolina Ianda disse...


Muuuito verdade isso...
Poucas atitudes se transformam em SORRISOS...

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Saudade nêga! Beijos!

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